Sunday 23rd March 2025
Its sunday blog day again lol! Been busy on the site this week uploading blinkies which has been fun. I also made my
first (offical) blinkie which I made because I had a dream about it.. for real. I was asleep for around 11 hours and all I could remember dreaming about was an america nfootball blinkie.. how much more me can you get?!
I have been so tierd this week not just in a aw im a sleepy little cat way but in a scary falling asleep at my desk way. Maybe I should finally get my blood tested .. i fear I may be called out for my lack of water and bread based protein lacking diet though .. hm.
spring is finally emerging from the depths of winter, yay! there is a huge blossom tree by my window and currently lots of sweet birds are climbing around it eating things. Spring is the best - on my way to work I walk through this area covered with pink blossom trees and the petals have fallen to the ground making a petal carpet. I have been planning on taking a picture of it which hopefully if i get around to it will be on a gallery page sometime soon!
--- book talking time ---
Earlier this week i finished the book Sarah by J.T Leroy which I have been wanting to read for yearss, i read it in about 2 days!! It is very short but I enjoyed it alot, the premise is very disturbing but Laura Albert (the woman behind J.T Leroy) is such an incredible and creative writer. Caution though if you do look into the book HUGE warning for sexual abuse and just all round distressing scenes. Currently im reading Americana by Don DeLillo which is good but its a bit more of a drag to read however there are some really beautiful descriptions that im just obsessed with. It is his first book and also the first one of his i've read so it's not going to be the best but it has made me want to read more of his books. anyway i don't have alot going on to blog about so i thought id talk about reading lol.
Sunday 16th March 2025
ugh this week was crazy! some really great moments and some really bad ones - i thought i said i wanted consistency at the start of the week !! the good times were really great though, for instance my friend and i went to go see clairo (!!) which was so awesome and we ate some tasty food too :p. clairo was amaze, she is just so adorable and fun on stage and the crowd was all having a good time too which always helps. i was so sad when my friend left though, being together always reminds me of just how great it was when we lived together and life was just more carefree... i don't really see my friends that often anymore because of life and stuff. i really hate living away from everyone, this year has just affirmed how much i need that social interaction outside of work and family, i guess this is why people go on dates lol.
anyway today i have basically done nothing which has been fun! i have gotten so obsessed with making and finding icons as of late, i just finished making one that was 40+ frames T-T (its at the bottom of this post) my fingers hurt soo much from using a trackpad LOl i neeeed to use a mouse because i have so much hand pain... been doing some more art too today which has been really fun so hopefully this means i am no longer experiencing art block *fingers crossed*. not looking forwards to tomorrow at all i have admin shit to do and i have to go to places and speak to people which should honestly be illegal at this point. hm maybe i should hire a doppelganger and i can stay home and make icons all day...
Monday 10th March 2025
Things are so up and down at the moment which i hatee, consistency is nice ya know and i would like to have it! today has been funky in a bad way, no idea why i still let work related stress get to me but honestly i think its just the kind of person i am and i am too scared to change. one of my resolutions was to not let people walk over me this year but its march and i have been stepped on so much that i have just melted into the ground. i need to change soo bad before i waste another 22 years of my life trying to impress people who actually do not give a fuck about me. anyway!
for the next month or so im going cold turkey on social media, apart neocities obvs. ive been wanting to do this forever and ive enjoyed it alot so far, there have been some slip ups but that was inevitable lol. im also trying to stream less music and tv shows so with my bday money i got a beautiful ipod classic and i have been obessed with it!! i got a 4th gen photo ipod classic and its really pretty, the battery is crap but also its 20 years old so i cant be too hard on it. The song of the day is from clarity, one of the first albums i put on the ipod :)
seeing my best friend later this week and i am so excited!!! he lives far away so we never get to see eachother, so yay! something to look forward to this week :p life is not so bad
Sunday 2nd March 2025
HII! Yesterday was crazy like way crazier than i had ever expected it to be!! so,, to start I knew that because i had to go to my sisters birthday party I would have to leave the silverstein concert before silverstein actually played anything lol and just see thursday.. which was okay i guess because i do really love Thursday and thats who I went to see but also it would of been awesome to see silverstein. oh well!
anyway so i was walking to the venue at like 2 and a half hours before the doors opened so i wanted to get some food and water. as i walked past the venue on the other side i see no other than geoff, tucker and norman walking to the venue... what the actual fuck. they were walking pretty fast and i did not want to have an understanding in a car crash moment and get hit by one so i was unable to say hi or anything. but still that was crazy awesome!!
the queue sucked im not going to lie, the people i was gonna meet with were coming later so i had to stand with some strange indiviudals for many hours in complete silence LOL, but then im almost certain that steve pedulla walked like straight past me and we held eye contact for an uncomfortable amount of time as i was trying to work out wether to say hi or not T-T he looked kinda like he did not want to be bothered tho and was probably rushing to soundcheck so i think it was good i didn't say anything.
Soo.. the actual concert was amazing!! i met up with the people from tumblr and got awesome zine about jeremy fragrance and geoff lmao. they were really cool and it was so nice to finally be around people who r as crazy about thursday as i am!
bloom and the callous daoboys the other supports were really good, even if they crowd was lowkey embarssingly dead at times when the band was like "open up the pit!" and people were just standing there. LOL that is just the case sometimes. at least for Thursday the crowd was good!
Thursday were so brilliant, as expected, compared to the last time i saw them the stage was much larger so i could see the whole band the entire set which was really cool. they played one of my all time favourite songs, the otherside of the crash/over and out (of control)!!! the set was basically the same as last time i saw them which is okay because the songs will always hit but damn i wish they hadn't taken the lovesong writer off the setlist.. cries. because i was standing w other thursday fans the crowd was really good apart from this annoying asf man who didnt even move like not one headband or arm sway.. like live a little or at least dont be at barrier lmao. and then i saw him lecturing this kid for accidentally hitting his gf like bro get a grip pleaseee, this is a post hardcore show :/
later today il upload some photos and videos so look out for that!
i know this is an essay and a half but the night did not end here! after thursday had finished i quickly skedaddled to the exit after saying goodbye to my new friends and went to the tube. on the way out this guy who had also gone just to see thursday lol was like "oh cool shirt, totally vintage" and i was like "really?!" i had no idea my shirt was vintage thursday merch tbh i actually had considered that it was just a shirt advertising the day of the week lmao
so i take an hour long journey *oof* to my sisters party and meet up with people i know and also have no idea who they are. it was an okay time but i was there sober as fuck and therefore had no social skills so i spent alot of time awkwardly standing there LOL what is new!
the drama really begins when we are all leaving, so i am travelling on the bus with people i live nearby to and everything is going well until someone throws up... and then we quickly exit the bus to the middle of nowhere T-T at like 2 am .. bear in mind its like 1 degree and my ass does not have a coat because well who brings a coat to a concert!
this adventure then continues as we then realise that was the last bus at this stop and have to walk around trying to get another one, which we do eventually get on but then they feel sick again and to avoid futher drama we leave again. but this time i kind of know where we are! yay.
so the dramatic night ends with me and someone i live the closest to getting the awesome but highkey terrifying 24hr bus home whilst the rest of them attempt to sober up the ill person and get a taxi, everyone is happy! kind of LOL.
anyway thank u for reading about my eventful night, if u can see thursday in concert - go u will not regret it at all!!
Friday 28th February 2025
OMG where did february go?! January felt super long and now its like boom. march.
Anyways my b day was pretty chill and good i ate pinapple cake and watched kath and kim all day before work lol, so that was pretty successful
so.. tomorrow is the day i see thursday.. ahhhh!! i am freaking out highkey. i am not as nervous as before last time i saw them but i am still super excited!
been acting stupid and desprate on tumblr trying to message people i know are going, which feels way out of my comfort zone but to be honest concerts are more fun when u can hang out with other fans so i might as well try lol
bad news though i have a cold :( i have been downing honey and lemon all day in a last ditch attempt to loose it before tomorrow but i do not have much hope sadly.. hopefully my excitement can cure me hehe. will update u guys about how it all goes on sunday! ^-^
Monday 25th February 2025
My computer may die in the middle of writing this #livinontheedge. i ate tooo many sour patch watermelon things and i feel a little ill but they r so tasty. my friend gave me lots of sweets for my b day which was so nice of her :). anyway! its my birthday on wednesday not to doxx myself lol but i went out w my friends yesterday because the timing worked out. we got pizza and had drinks and then we played jackbox for hours and i was like wheezing laughing LOL. so that was really great :).
i actually dont like my birthday at all because of the attention lol i dont think i ever have. i genuinly feel so sick thinking about birthday parties and the birthday song lmaoo its actually funny in a way. maybe u guys feel the same T-T
im not celebrating on my birthday at all this year because im at work all evening and as long as i keep the fact that its my b day on the dl its gonna be a good one ^.^
listening to the up in them guts album by planes mistaken for stars and its so weird like idk what they were going for its kind of like if the manic street preachers made a glassjaw album and it was also 2004. there are some good songs tho !
Tuesday 18th February 2025
Hey! Its been exactly a week since I last updated. The weather has been so sunny recently but also very cold, but the sun does make everything more cheerful and pretty at least. went on a nice walk to one of my fave parks today with my mum and saw some cool birds and my fave trees lol.
last week was busy busy so i am a little burnt out but i am proud of myself for making it through the week even though i didnt really have a choice haha. i am realising i only really update the blog on here these days but ive been updating my thursday fansite pretty regularly instead and i only have so much patience for coding, hopefully the fansite shouldnt be too long now as it is taking form rather well :)
went to the ukrainian supermarket in my town for the first time ever and the cashier was speaking to me in ukrainian and i did not have the confidence to say otherwise LOL so i just handed him the money and left T-T but i did get some really tasty cherry sweets and cottage cheese so i think i will have to go back again no matter how embarrased i am.
it does make me realise how awkward i am outside of work though like not to be severence obsessed but i really do become way more confident and comfortable speaking to people in work and then i leave and my social skills are left there heheh. maybe i am two different people hmmm... anyway i thought my social skills would get better with time but honestly no and if anyone tells u that as u get older u get less social anxiety they lied :/
only one week until my birthday yay! but more importantly only 12 days till i see thursday!!!
Tuesday 11th February 2025
Happy first blog of february guys! I thought everyone might need a break after bloganuary - this is a lie i just forgot to blog... Anyways I am back but also incredibly busy!! Have been doing lots of volunteer work this week to cover for other people and as well as being at work I am tired af already. Got to see a friend I dont see often today and we went to the pub and then also met up with other people I dont see either lol. Twas nice to hang out with people outside of work once in a while.
I forgot to say but I went to a cat cafe with my sister for her birthday and it was really amazing. Iv never been to one before so i was def excited but it was really fun. There was this one crazy orange kitten who was running around and was beefing with the other cats lol T-T We also went to a japanese shop and I got some cute stationery and a delish mochi donut. I had a donut tonight actually but it was nowhere near as good. :(
Been watching lots and lots of severence recently after my sister told me i had to watch it and its really really good. I am just starting season 2 now but I really love the concept of the whole thing. its been a while since iv watched a drama ive really enjoyed. I have a long af day of volunteering and work tomorrow so i should probs sleep .. ughh
Friday 31st January 2025
HELLO. Today was preetty huge for me.... like 2 hours ago I went to an l.s dunes concert!! yay!!! I also went to the signing and said to anthony green
"nice to meet you"
no words luv...
they were all soooo lovely and friendly :) i was highkey shaking when i passed the album to tim LOL but honestly when the show happend i was no longer starstruck like i usually am at concerts.
its like oh hey that's frank iero who i was just speaking to a few hours ago, hi frank!
I usually go to concerts on my own because i wait for NOONE to come with me lol but i did make a friend and they are super nice and we got to hang in an empty shopping centre whilst we waited for the show to start hehe
... i also touched anthony green's back.. it was very moist...
in other news GO LISTEN TO VIOLET RIGHT nOW it is so good
Monday 27th January 2025
OK SO the every 2 days update thing sort of did not happen lol but i still think i have a good amount of posts for bloganuary so far :)
my week of no stress actually went quite well the weather has been horrible this week though so we are not off to a good start. however, my walk to work was nice and empty and all the birds were just hanging out minding their own biz without being harassed by kids lol. had a rlly fun day yesterday hanging out with a friend i havnt seen in ages - i got a super yummy vegan sandwhich and peppermint tea from my fave cafe and we drew a bit ^-^ then i got a hat! because i am a hat person now , i do feel alot like the quirky girl in camp rock tho and im not mad. i got some beautiful postcards too, may upload pics if i remember.
i am concerned i may be getting ill :( it may just be workitus though but we will see tomoz.
in so exciting news!! i got my copy of 'someone who isn't me' by geoff rickly in the mail on saturday and i have already read lots, its very very very good and just captures everything i love about his lyrics and makes it even better. highly reccomend!!!
Wednesday 22nd January 2025
Today was busy but good - two words i wouldn't usually put together but oh well lol. trying to be less stressed is actually working out for me yay! like today could of gone horribly if i was more frantic and stressed out but everything worked out okay! im trying not to doxx myself butttt huge news! i got tickets for an ls dunes signing and show!!!!! i wasn't planning on going at all bcus i don't keep up with the band that much but i got an instagram ad LOL and i saw the tickets were reasonable asf + a signing?! finally i can heal from the time in 2016 when i completely missed out on going to a frank iero and patience signing for like really cheap bcus i was too late to get tickets. in hindsight i was a kid with a brick phone and no debit card so idk how it was gonna work anyway *heart break emoji* anywayy i am so so excited for that especially because the venue is tiny and i lovee small venue shows... now i just have to heal from the time i could of seen a geoff rickly acoustic set FOR FREE when the no devotion show that i wasnt going to go to got cancelled and i was literally in the SAME CITY T-T we must perserve
anyway i am now going to talk about food so if u arent about that feel free to stop reading here :)
i ate the most insane red curry yesterday with tofu and butternut squash i could of shed tears ... the portion was crazy so i had leftovers i ate later ^-^ i often wonder if i should be a food blogger but i am horrible at describing food other than just crazyy or not good LOL red curry for me is like top 3 foods i think but i also couldn't eat it all the time or i think it wouldn't be that special .
nearlly done with the thursday bio but the site is still nowhere near ready for public viewing but maybe by febuary??
Monday 20th January 2025
boo who else hates responsibility!! i keep loosing my things lol idk how im not that forgetful but maybe i am. i think its probably because i start thinking of the next thing i have to do before iv even finished the first thing if that makes sense. and then im focused on that next thing so i just forget everything .... :p had rlly good pizza yesterday for only £5!! (there was a deal) so that was mega joyus. had some last minuete plans to go see my friend in wales but it fell through becus i couldn't get time off work boohoo
this week i will attempt to have a week of relaxation and not worrying about unessary things because i need to chill tf out - will keep the blog updated on how it goes but i am feel pessimisstic about it already because very small things stress me owt! anyway maybe if i just play some rounds of geoguessr everyday i will be less stressed btw go listen to the song of the day it is very good
Friday 17th January 2025
Today was good! went shopping with friends i haven't seen in a while and got two pierce the veil cds from the charity shop - yay! needed to do something fun because yesterday was a weird day. i am still shocked david lynch is dead i genuinely did not think he was going to die for some reason, i am forever grateful for his art. i saw my favourite bulding in my town being torn down yesterday too. it had been abandoned for a loong time and i knew they were going to get rid of it but wow it hurt more than i thought it would. whenever i pass it on the way to work i always think when the buliding is gone i'll move out of my hometown but that is kind of a huge decision lol. but still they keep shutting down places i love i just dont know whats here for me anymore. anyway i finally got to eat the katsu curry iv been craving as of late and it was scrumptious. :p
Wednesday 15th January 2025
Today was pretty good - very normal but i much prefer things to be chill than suprising lol. went running for the first time in monthss it was not too bad but damn i need to start stretching because yeesh my calves hurt lmao. made soup from vegetables that were at the bottom of the fridge and it was pretty delish i have extras to eat tomorrow so thats also a win. been reading before going to sleep recently as part of my new year new me lifestyle and its crazy how much better ive been sleeping. like i really had to force myself to put my phone away from my bed but i have not been missing my couple of hours of extra scrolling at alll. so for now at least i totally recommend doing it if you have trouble sleeping. going to try to blog every other day until the end of january to make up for lost posts lol
Monday 13th January 2025
Heyyoo! Totes forgot to update last week so sorry about that! I had a good time at a family birthday yesterday, lots of cake and cheese sandwhiches were consumed. Events like that make me feel soo out of place though like ive never been one for small talk but wow all people talk about is work and the weather and holdiays and more work. C'mon as a kid i thought adult conversation was supposed to be slightly more interesting than this. I am pleased my family can meet up though as we aren't as close as we used to be and it can be cool to see how people's lives change after a few years. anywayss been updating my thursday fansite alott and im writing this supposedly short biography which is becoming stupidly long LOL i can't help that they have had a weird ass career. i watched the movie sunshine cleaning for the first time yesterday and it was really good - i only decided to watch it because emily blunt kind of plays a lesbian who is also not really a lesbian but she wears some kick ass outfits so i think she is. ughh i need to go to sleeppp zZzZZZzZzz
Sunday 5th January 2025
Its so offically the new year, there is no going back now lols. Its got me thinking about resolutions and stuff so instead of making a list of resolutions i want to make a list of things i want to do this year because trying to change all the time is exhaustingg....
1. consider going vegan like properly..
i've been vegetarian for a whilee now and i've been really considering going vegan even more so in the past couple weeks. i want to get really educated about it first before i make any commitments but i think this year might be the one where i actually do it!
2. go on a solo trip
this is something ive wanted to do for agessss i just need to convince my parents to let me. i doubt ill go very far but i do really want to do a solo abroad travel in a few years so this is a step towards that
3. get back into yoga/meditation
i was so good at regularly meditating or doing yoga this time last year but i really fell off lol and i do actually enjoy it so it would be nice to get back to it.
4. be more self assured
this is a looong time coming but i am so tired of not being confident in my decision making and just my whole life in general. like i am old enough that i have a good idea of what person i am but i keep letting other people question that. this one might take a long time to achive but even just writing about it is a good enough start :)
5. stop using my phone.. sort of
my screen time is low already but i just hate my phone so so much and just everything it represents, i'm not really on social media much anymore but its even stuff like is pissing me off and i want out. i know i can't quit my phone cold turkey but i just want to be able to appriciate things a little more like listening to a good album that i own rather than being overwhelmed by the choice of every song ever. anyway i just feel like its a waste of time that i could be spending watching a stupid amount of its always sunny.. im joking. kind of.. :)
Wednesday 1st January 2025
Happy new year everyone! and happy first day of bloganuary in which i will be attempting to blog as much as i can for the month of january, thank you to
avenue for the idea ^_^ my new year was very interesting i can't lie - i went out with some friends and friends of friends and the night started of pretty okay until i had to hang with people who i did not find vaugley funny whilst being quite sober. but as the night went on and i had more to drink it was more fun LOL even if the new year countdown was really anti-climactic. the year did start of really good though because .. new thursday song !! yayy :) you can listen to it
here it is very very good and totally coincides with my new years annoucement.. i have started a thursday fansite!! i'm not going to drop the link yet but watch this space :0 hope all of u guys have an awesome january and hopefully i'll be blogging a couple times a week this month as well :)